Monday, February 21, 2011

Roasted Pepper-Sweet Potato Soup

I bought peppers from Costco this weekend and since Gerald is gone this week at the mine I wasn't sure what to do with them. I figured I should try something new. I searched for some recipes for soups but didn't find one that totally suited my taste so I took the base of a few of them and meshed the recipes to come up with my own. It turned out quite good actually (even though it looks a lot like baby food!).

I started out by halving a red pepper and two orange peppers and scraping out their seeds. I then put them on the ickiest baking sheet I had and under the broiler on high. While these were roasting, I chopped up two small sweet potatoes. I put the sweet potatoes in the pot and just barely covered them with reduced sodium beef broth and turned them on high. I let them boil until tender. I also chopped up two tomatoes and half an onion and added those to the potatoes when they were about done.

I flipped the peppers about halfway through (I put the skin side down for a while first so the meat of the pepper would get cooked). I finished the peppers with the skin side up and started to blacken them. Once they were good and tender I pulled them out, let them cool for a while then scrapped the skin off of them. If they are done enough, the skins should come off relatively easily. I then sliced the peppers and added them to the potato mixture.

I turned off the stove and put the whole mixture in the food processor and pulsed it until it was smooth. I realized that it was probably a tad thicker than I wanted it to be so once it was fairly smooth I put it back in the pot and added a little more broth. I also stirred in some cumin, pepper, garlic powder and Sriracha. I tasted it once then decided to add a little more cumin (I wanted to make sure I didn't overdo it!). I heated it back up and ta-da! It was quite flavorful!

And for those of you that are readers but aren't my Facebook friends, I lost 2.6 more pounds this week for a total of 8.3 in the last 3 weeks! This healthy eating and exercise thing really works! I'm now a firm believer that you don't need to go on a "diet" to lose merely need to make sensible, healthy choices and cut out the processed junk that we all love so much!

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